Does My Carnivorous Plant Need Dormancy?

Some carnivorous plants require a dormancy period where they die back and do not actively grow very much.

Do Venus Flytraps Need Dormancy?

In nature, the Venus Flytrap has a dormancy period. According to the ICPS, Venus Flytraps do not require dormancy to survive unless they are going to face freezing temperatures outdoors. However, from our experience, they can be easier to grow when they are given a dormancy period during the winter. This allows them to spring up in the growing season and grow very robustly. Additionally, little maintenance is needed over this winter dormancy period which can take a load off of busy plant parents.

Do North American Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia) Need Dormancy?

Yes, Sarracenia grow well when given a dormant period outside over the winter. This rest period lets the plants grow strongly during the grow season. Some growers have been able to skip dormancy but this is in our experience is not good for the longevity of the plant.

Do Cobra Pitcher Plants (Darlingtonia) Need Dormancy?

Yes, similar to Sarracenia, this pitcher plant requires a cold winter dormancy in the winter. The plant will stop actively producing pitchers (which are not as useful when there are no bugs and less sunshine). The plant will then rest over the winter.

Do Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) Need Dormancy?

No, Nepenthes grow in tropical environments and do not need a dormancy. They can grow year-round actively.

Do Sundews (Drosera) Need Dormancy?

Yes, some temperate Drosera such as rotundifolia and Drosera filliformis have a winter dormancy in which they hibernate. Others, such as the Drosera capensis do not undergo dormancy and can grow year-round actively.

Do Bladderworts (Utricularia) Need Dormancy?

Yes, some temperate Utricularia have a winter dormancy where they will not flower and will return to a turion. In contrast to this, many Utricularia do not go dormant and will grow actively year-round.

Do Heliamphora Need Dormancy?

No, Heliamphora grow in tropical locations and do not require a dormancy. They can grow actively year round.

Do Butterworts (Pinguicula) Need Dormancy?

Yes, Pinguicula do have a dormancy. Mexican varieties enter into a succulent phase in the winter while temperate varieties enter a dormancy where they hibernate in a hibernaculum.

Venus Flytrap skipping dormancy Elio's Garden British Columbia
GenusDormancy in Nature
Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)Yes
Sundews (Drosera)Yes, some species
North American Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia)Yes
Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes)No
Sun Pitcher/Marsh Pitcher Plants (Heliamphora)No
Butterwort (Pinguicula)Yes (some have a succulent phase and others go dormant)
Bladderwort (Utricularia)Yes (temperate species have a dormancy)
Cobra Pitcher Plants (Darlingtonia)Yes
Albany Pitcher Plant (Cephalotus)No
Dewy Pine (Drosophyllum)No