What Food Should I Give to My Venus Flytrap?
If you are a new parent of a Venus Flytrap or have had one for a while, you might be wondering: what do Venus Flytraps eat? What the best food is for these magical plants? In this article, we will discuss what types of food these plants like to eat in their natural habitat. Feeding your plants this diet will help your plants grow best!
Should I Feed My Venus Flytrap pork, chicken, or beef?
Never feed your Venus Flytrap human food such as chicken, beef, pork, fish or anything else. These meals are often too complicated for the plant to digest and can lead to mould, harming the plant. Only feed your Venus Flytrap bugs, this is what they would eat naturally in the wild.
Should I Feed My Venus Flytrap Bloodworms?
Yes, bloodworms are excellent food to feed Venus Flytraps, they do not have much of an exoskeleton and are easily digested by the Venus Flytrap. They do not pose a challenge for the plant to eat, cannot escape, and are small enough to fit in the mouth of most Venus Flytraps. If bloodworms are fed to a Flytrap, the Flytrap’s trigger hairs will have to be stimulated to close and remain closed around the bloodworm.
Can Venus Flytraps Eat Ants?
Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat ants. Ants can fit inside the mouth of Venus Flytraps and move enough to trigger the plant to close, though the plant can only eat a few of these insects before all of its traps close for up to a couple of weeks. Ants have an exoskeleton, so the plant will get nutrients as it digests the ant’s innards, and often partially the exoskeleton.
Can Venus Flytraps Eat Spiders?
Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat spiders. Some spiders can fit inside the mouth of Venus Flytraps and will trigger the plant to close. Since spiders eat other insects, they have lots of nutrients to feed your plant. They also often wander into Venus Flytraps to feed on the partially digested bugs left behind, or the nectar the plant produces. Legs of spiders can sometimes be seen sticking out of the closed traps of the Venus Flytrap.
Can Venus Flytraps Eat Beetles?
Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat beetles. However, the hard exoskeleton of a beetle is often too tough to be fully digested. While some beetles may be too large to fit entirely within the trap, some can still be captured and provide valuable nutrients to the plant. Beetles also move around enough to trigger these plants to activate their traps.
Can Venus Flytraps Eat Wasps?
Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat wasps and even bees. Although their exoskeletons are not fully digested, they still give the plant nutrients. They are also attracted to the nectar that the plant produces on its traps, which makes them vulnerable to these incredible plants. Wasps and bees move around enough to trigger the plant’s traps to close.
Can Venus Flytraps Eat Flies?
Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat flies. This is how the plants gained their name. The plant also often leaves behind some of the insect’s exoskeleton but has gained nutrients from most of the flies’ innards and more easily digested parts. Flies are also attracted to the nectar of the plant and move around enough to trigger the plant’s traps to close, making them great prey.
Drosera aliciae – Carnivorous Plant – Combo pot$30.00
Darlingtonia californica – Carnivorous Cobra Pitcher Plant$70.00
Nepenthes ‘Rebecca Soper’ Carnivorous Pitcher Plant – Canada$25.00
Venus Flytrap – Carnivorous Plant – Canada$20.00
Drosera capensis ‘Alba’ (Cape Sundew) – Available in Canada$20.00