What are the Best Carnivorous Plants to Grow Indoors?

What kind of carnivorous plants grow best indoors? Are there carnivorous plants that will do well inside your home? In this article, we will make some suggestions for plants that can grow indoors.

Nepenthes Elio's Garden Indoor Plant

Grow a Tropical Pitcher Plant Indoors

Nepenthes a.k.a tropical pitcher plants are a great option to grow indoors. These plants are not cold tolerant and do not have a dormancy. If grown indoors by a sunny windowsill or under grow lights they will produce happy beautiful pitchers. In more northern climates with dark winters, supplemental lighting can be used to keep these plants producing pitchers year-round!

Grow a Butterwort Plant Indoors

Pinguiculka a.k.a butterworts are colourful and fungus gnat eating additions to your indoor space. These plants do well indoors since Mexican varieties are not cold-tolerant. These plants like Nepenthes do well by a sunny windowsill or under growlights. Under bright grow lights, these plants will produce bright colours like pinks and purples.

Grow a Sundew Plant Indoors

Drosera a.k.a sundew plants are beautiful, easy-growing plants that are hungry for fungus gnats and fruit flies. These plants can be grown by a sunny windowsill or under grow lights as well and many do not have a natural dormancy so they can grow year round. If your plant is lacking dew in the winter you may want to add supplemental lighting to help your plant produce dew.

Grow a Bladderwort Indoors

Utricularia a.k.a bladderwort plants are aquatic and terrestrial plants that eat small organisms under the ground and in water. There are many varieties that are tolerant of a variety of conditions. They can be grown by a sunny windowsill or under grow lights. With the proper conditions, they will produce pretty flowers. Many terrestrial varieties have no dormancy so they can be grown year round indoors.

Grow a Venus Flytrap Indoors

Dionaea a.k.a venus flytraps are the most iconic carnivorous plant. They use rapid movement to trap their prey where it is then digested. We were reluctant to add this to the list because Venus Flytraps do best outdoors during the growing season and only are brought inside during the coldest part of the winter to avoid freezing. Although the plants do best outdoors, they can do well indoors under grow lights or by an extremely sunny windowsill. Without supplemental lighting, these plants will go dormant in the winter where they will stop eating bugs and die back for a winter rest.